Friday, January 10, 2025

L-6 Intergrations

February 19, 2012 by tdomf_a7384  
Filed under Integrations

Wow, once again another action packed level! Each month I become more intergized which inturn sharpens my focus and, zest for Neothink! I find myself wanting to become more involved in society matters or as you guys like to say more intergrated within the society works for me! I am truly glad to here we are on the verge of a major coming out party all we need is just a little more fine tuning of our message before we boldly venture into radio spots as some have mentioned magazines on local store shelves, pamplets, little Neo-Think what not’s like cupi dolls. I know that is a silly example but, you get the picture. The marketing for our message is as open as the universe itself. As F.D.R once said we have nothing to fear but fear it’s self! Meaning once people get over our first broad and, open push into the main stream society and, they see we are not trying to bring about the Anti-Christ nor sieze control of the world for our own selfish purposes or followes of black majic some sort waco cult or some other form of dangerous radical zealots then we will be well on our way! However, it is still my strong personal belief that yet they will hate mistrust our motives and, reject our reasons due to fear. It has been along standing human trait to reject that which is outside the realm of comfort security and, reject a 3000 year old belief system. Remember Rome was not bulit over night! But as it is well known what was meant to be will always find away and, yes Neothink will provide a safe smooth means of transfer into the N.W.O which draws nearer with each passing day and, with every value creating foward thinking intergration we make such as the T.V.P call of 2-19-12 clearly stating there mission in pure simple terms that the masses could understand! GOOD-STUFF! Heck I thought it would even make a great twenty second commercial spot via some media outlet for a first time simple introduction to the T.V.P a easy way to calm the masses fears that we are not spooks, heathens, radicals or other such nonsense! Till next time C-YEA!

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