Hi Mark, It’s been a while
October 13, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mark, I know you haven’t heard from me for quite some time. I have been preparing my future to give you as much of my undivided attention as I can see to do. Currently that has meant getting some major dental work done and getting ready for another necessary surgery and preparing everything that […]
Level 6 Meeting
September 18, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mark & Sue, I can see a much larger picture of America now. I believe change for the better is in the air.How long will it take? Unknown. But I believe it will come. I believe You are one of the principle movers and shakers behind it.I support you fully. Sincerely Cliff W.
Mind Mapping:
September 17, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
What I learned today is compromise. The largest profit in the history of time; deals with maintaining a respectful relashionship. Mutual satisfy is the key to a successful outcome. P.S The Solution is just two words: Principle Fairness.
Integrated unfolding prossess
September 4, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
Take a step and see a little further. I am in Wisconsin and seems everyone is in survival mode, in that realm of thought it is easy to get in a hurry for action. I think it is the best time to brush up on plans already made so they are second nature. I want […]
moving along
August 21, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
Mark and Sue moving slowly in the journey because iam still processing. I enjoyed ” Running with the Genius”.
Level 6 Meeting.
August 5, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
I really learned a lot about how the introduction, workshops, and clubhouse meetings function and operate, I am going to join a clubhouse in my area soon.
vision with whol world
August 5, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
MR MARK HAMILTION Thank you so much Neothink Society I see the twelve vision world my twelve vision whol world is so big by the 12×12 now days i make my own songs every day twelve vision as level six i see every thing what i though things and more then before the cure to […]
Level Six Integrations.
July 27, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
I very knowledgable about Neothink. There’s nothing more I love doing other than helping people to collapse their mysticisms. I am looking foreard to starting a club house out of my home with another Neo-think active member that lives in my community. Im looking forward to conducting the work shops and introductory meetings. and a […]
Level 6 Integration
July 22, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
Hi Mark and Sue, Sorry I have not been more involved during the past few months. I have been dealing with a medical condition that drains your energy, leaves you nearly malnourished (with sudden weight loss), brain fog, and almost physically non-functional. Plus I have to work full time to support myself. I took pride […]
level 6 integration
July 21, 2013 by tdomf_a7384
Filed under Integrations
Need to work on finding a clubhouse close to my area. I would like it to be full of members.