Thursday, December 26, 2024

Level 6 Integration

March 23, 2014 by tdomf_a7384  
Filed under Integrations

I am thinking in opening a clubhouse, and this meeting, give me an idea.
The problem I see is the recruiting of people that has never been exposed to this philosophy.
Some points were exposed in the meeting and that clarified the matter. Still I do have some problem, I am not good contacting people I have not contacted before and have some serious discussion. I belong to the
catholic faith and there is not much I can do to contact this kind of people. I still go to Church on Sundays and Holidays. I keep the faith, even though I have another ideas and knowledge.
Most of the people I know is religious people, so, I am stuck in a circle, I want to go forward, but I have to do it in the shadow at least for now.
Still I see it is a good idea having meetings everywhere. I will come with a feasible idea that allow me to start a clubhouse.
very interesting meeting.
Thank you Mark.

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2 Responses to “Level 6 Integration”
  1. My Level Six Mentor “Sue”: I liked most about meeting about learning how to play as an adult; by discovering value creation which quickly replaces stagnaion.Also, the part of moving the “marketing machine” forward. But the fact that the TVP World has not yet begun I find distressing–especially since the current world leaders seem to be again bringing us to the brink of disastrous war(a calaminous period).

  2. salvatore v says:

    My Level Six Mentor “Sue”: I liked most about meeting about learning how to play as an adult; by discovering value creation which quickly replaces stagnaion.Also, the part of moving the “marketing machine” forward. But the fact that the TVP World has not yet begun I find distressing–especially since the current world leaders

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