Saturday, December 28, 2024

Reforms Are Needed For Paradise On Earth

February 22, 2013 by tdomf_a7384  
Filed under Integrations

At some point I will get involved in Secret Society Clubhouses, I need to work on my financial situation first.

If man is ever to get to live in a Garden of Eden on earth, many things need to get changed to put the world in balance. Today I will share my thoughts on some of the dozens of things in society that will need some type of change. Many changes are needed so the citizens of the earth all can live a live like millionaires, not just a few.
Technology will allow us to all live like millionaires.

As was previously mentioned, citizens can work in two different environments, either independent running one’s own business, or be involved as a dependent in a community’s business. The community business can be set up to a 40 hour work week, 24 hours working, 8 hours learning, and 8 hours teaching.

Listed below are reforms that will be needed that will enable earth’s citizens to live as millionaires just mentioned high level, thoroughly thought about by geniuses.

1)Election Reform
Today America’s elections are highly influenced by Political Parties mostly the Democratic and Republican Parties, historically the Democrats are more liberal leaning and focused on people’s needs. The Republicans are more conservative leaning and have been focused on business needs and less government. The parties have done a lot to advance society, but moving forward it would be best if we all become independent thinkers.

A recommendation, the House of Representatives should move their operation to the district they represent. Congressmen should get feedback on voting matters, share issues with their local community and get feedback on how they should vote. When the House of Representatives vote the votes should be shared on a big map board, to share to the nation on how they vote. They only go to Washington for special occasions. Representatives should share their feedback from their district with the State’s Senators.

Local government would no longer be elected saving costs associated with local elections. Local positions such as mayor, treasurer, secretarys, utility managers, sheriffs, all local officials would get their positions based on Personal Value Power Points, an evaluation of performance based on people in those jobs, customer service ratings, and training courses taken.

2.Campaign Reform
So much money in the past is wasted on campaigns, instead of criss-crossing the country, campaigns should be more organized and regional and should be run maybe using a random number generator. Look at the past citizens of Iowa and New Hampshire has high influence on a presidential candidate.

Campaigns could be run much better if the candidates could focus on a region at a time. Regions might be New England, Mid-atlantic, Midwest, Southeast, South, Southwest, Great Plains, and West. Each month a new region takes focus on campaign events and debates.

The election should work like the Survivor program, the candidate with the least votes gets knocked out of the race.

Voting needs to be no longer at a voting booth, votes can be done using an IPad type of device which includes a list of items of the day and also include a citizens thoughts on the priority of capital expenditures in the community.

3.Special Interset Group Reform
In the past special interest group’s and companys provide a lot of capital to candidates campaigns often there is pay to play. Money from companies should not go to campaigns but should go to the companie’s employees. Letters still can go to candidates on what a company thinks on a matter but no money should be exchanged. Money should be kept inside a company helping all it’s citizens to get more wealty.

4.Bank Reform
Banks will need to be set up for each community. Money a community makes should be filtered to the Community Bank. Each individual could be set up with 15 levels on their account depending on the level job they are working. Accounts need to set up for each individual’s food and medicine accound, a person’s expense account, local government, federal government, a bonus making account, an investment account and then 10 levels of employment account. Each month the profits made by the business community gets distributed to all the citizens accounts. Individuals are allowed to move monies around between each of their accounts when funds are needed for purposes.

5.Mortgage Reforms
Mortages also should move under a Citizen’s Bank Account as well as things like an Auto Loan. All Mortages should be fair and at a low percent say something like 6%, no longer high percentage rates like 28% which makes it hard for individuals to get ahead. a Person’s mortage gets allocated monies when the Business Community pays it’s citizens. Bankruptcies or Foreclosures or writeoffs are no longer allowed, no more robbing the citizens because not enough of payment is made, citizens depend on community business allocations of net profits almost always good but some periods will be more good than others.

6.Credit Card Reform
One credit card moved under the Community Bank is needed, no need for a bunch of different cards. If a person needs to use their bank credit card, they are charged a low bank account, a credit card amount can’t go above a certain level though, any rates on a card should be set low something like 6%.

7.Insurance Reform
Insurance costs should also move under an individual’s expense account. An Insurance account might be set up a number of ways, say an individual has a house fire or an automobile accident or gets flood damage. Insurance expense amounts would kick in to cover insurance costs, when the costs equal the amount of Insurance costs goes out, expense allocations get shut off. No longer are the days Insurance covers high paying executive salaries, insurance covers the cost of true costs and a little amount for ther community insurance adjuster.

8.ID Card Reform
How much time in our lives are we filling out the same paper work over and over. One ID card should be created for everything ID card. An individual goes into an office and hand a receptionist a card and the things needed then can be downloaded. ID cards have everything, vote registration, medical records, automotive info, work information, club information, any ID information needed. The card also equipped with a GPS device to locate the lost card or if a person gets trapped from an accident or needs to be located in an emergency.

9.Health Care Reform
In the near future, any medical matters that pop up from a Super Computer named Watson that computer on Jeopardy. Pretty soon a Medical Checkup room can be added off the Master Bedroom, instead of often going to the doctor, each individual can get a checkup from a Medical center in their home, occasionally a doctor will show up on your screen to discuss a medical issue many matters will be shown online. Only once in a while must a doctor or nurse be visited in person, most medical issues and medicine will be authorized and discussed online.

10.Tax Reform
The future of taxes will change a lot. All taxes created are based on net profits. Individuals or businesses will no longer have to do their own taxes, taxes will be based on net profits, if for some reason a community makes no money, there will be no taxes, but business communities are designed to make a profit. Taxes will be done using an allocation system, no one no longer will have to do their taxes, it’s all done inside the business community banking system.

An independent business person will have their business model input into a banking system and again the model will derive appropriate taxes based on net profits equivalent to the business community they live.

11.Gun Reform
Personal opinion on this one, life is precious, today 43 family or friends are shot dead for every one intruder. Society should make all millionaires so the crime rate should go down. Still no lethal killing guns should be in the home, maybe authorize some short of stun gun to be used in the event of an intruder until authorities can arrive.

Guns should be allowed for battle, hunting, and shooting ranges, but lethal guns should be kept out of the home. Maybe a harmless pellet gun for target shooting in the home.

12.Lawyer and Lawsuit Reform
There is too many frivolous lawsuits that rob a victim or a stupid lawsuit that often a business settles out of court because sometimes laws are unfair. It should be hard to go to court and often juries are not needed, maybe have 3 representatives for lesser lawsuits that come up, one for the prosecution, one for the defendent, and one who is a genius independent thinker

13.Prison Reform
Yes people commit crimes and they need to serve punishment for crimes. Maybe 50% of people are in jail for a minor crime, so many people get hardened from their jail sentence.

Jails in the future should be setup more like a hotel room, inmates live in a business community, they work the 40 hour work week like a normal person does, at night they are locked in their hotel room, have access to television and have a desk, some of their day is for taken classes either rehabilitation or learning new schools, also an athletic program. A person’s punishment, an inmate can’t leave the facility. After an inmate does his time, he or she is not hardened and has learned many schools and because of the environment they are surrounded with are a lot less likely to commit another crime.

14.Automotive Reform
Society today often spends much of the day wasting the day in their automobile. The cars pretty soon can drive thenselves, sensors will drive cars efficiently so citizens will no longer spend much of the day in traffic. Cars can be set up like an office space, an individual can work out of his can like an office, discuss matters, get a presentation, prepare a sales report, put together a spreadsheet, or take some training, or teach, or play a thinking game or relax and watch a movie or take a nap.

15.Transportation Reform
Preety soon chute style vehicles can move things to market, many truckers will no longer be needed only to remote areas. Products can be moved using a magnetic push pull chute device and sent to warehouses, instead of truckers are operational control operators that oversee the transfer of goods. Robots can do upkeep of the chutes with just a little mankind intervention.

Buses will change a lot also, instead either monorails will take over trains allowing indiviuals to have a setup like an office at their seat, relax watch a presentation, a movie, a thinking game, or they can do some reading off a device like an IPad or work a sales sheet or spreadsheet or they can use their spot like a lounge chair and take a nap.

Vehicles similar to trolleys can replace buses again have a station set up to watch a screen that presents a movie or things to do in the area, or be set up to read, or set up to nap.

16.Community Transport Devices
Communities can have push button little vehicles to get from one edge of town to work or some areas can be equipped with people movers to maybe go from work to lunch or some activity. Vehicles that don’t take up much energy that gets individuals around their community.

17.Prescrition Reform
Many citizens are ripped off from medicines they are asked to take, often medicine has tremendous markup. Many medicine prescriptions can be moved to like vending machines, one can get the prescrition they need from a medical vending machine with an authorization from a doctor;s assistence and puts in a password. In some instances a chute can put medicine in their checkup center next to their Master Bathroom. Prescriptions need to have controls so there is not so much markup, reasonable profits should be allowed on prescriptions not exhorbitant markuos.

18.Training Reform
Part of the work week should include training, training for one’s current job, one’s upcoming job and enable one to get credits for future jobs. The training should be designed for very little if any cost to the individual costs absorbed by allocation of expenses to the community. Some training done on like a computer device others off an IPod.

19.Homeland Security & Military Reform
Iy you work for the government, the government should be set up like a business, each area under one umbrella but have many different business units. An individual can easily transfer across business units, there is the army, navy, marines, air force, coast guard, state department, fbi, cia, plus disaster relief for fires and natural disasters. Individuals that work for the federal goverment can move around to different places that interest them based on Personal Value Power Points.

20.Internet and Mobile Device Reform
Man spends much of his time spelling words out, a short hand language can be invented for mobile devices and using the internet.

A new alphabet can be invented maybe with 256 simple symbols, colors can also be used, blue could be common nouns, red could be common verbs, green could be common adjectives, yellow could be common pronouns, violet could be common school subjects, black could be used to specify a media task like a website or email address.

A community can create a set of codes using a unique color.

This symbols are like short hand codes. How much time does man waste spelling things out instead of saying, Buy three Pens which takes up 14 charactors, 3 symbol charactors can denote what is wanted inside. Many use a type of shorthand for text messaging today, a new alphanet geared for text messaging can save much effort and time in a day.

21.Food Distribution Reform
First Farms of the Future, Many Business communities should fall under Farm Communities, instead of a few individuals working a farm, 20,000 citizens of the community fall under the farm umbrella. Operations of the farm are designed to efficiencies of Food to Market. The buiness community the profit center is the farm but the community is designed just like a city with stores, malls, schools, and municipalities.

The farm is designed with a processing center that focuses on getting farm products to market using chute transportation systems.

Another food change thing. All Business Communities promote healthy eating. One allocation of Community profits covers food and medicine. As citizens buy food they should be allowed to buy foods up to a certain amount such as Richard Simmons cards in his weight loss program. Each person should be allocated expenses up to a certain amount of the food groups, for example a percentage of grains, starch, dairy, vegetables, fruits, meats, drinks, and toiletries. Covers all citizens food needs.

Food wants such as candies, cookies, cakes, alcohol would not be covered, these other foods would have to be paid for from savings.

22.Energy Reform
Society today is impacted by fossil fuels. Fossil costs have had a tremendous impavt on the slowing economy and has made a few individuals very rich.

Energy efficiencies needs to be put back in society. Each business community needs to come up with efficiency energy costs. Some communties might run efficiently with wind costs, others solar, other with power plants, others electric from water, other gravity, others nucleur. Each business community determines what energy setup is best for them.

These are some of the areas that needs addressing to make society more efficient, the potential is there for tremendous cost savings and to create a balance, moneys made by the community can be allocated to the whole of community, yes the higher levels would receive a little more but tend to have done more to help the community, the setup though allows all to make money from the business of the community.

There are other reforms that can also add value to the community that will allow all citizens to live as millionaires

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